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Post Doctoral Fellows
- Dr. Una Adamcic-Bistrivoda (2011-2013)
- Ontario MRI PDF fellowship
- Currently: Lab Instructor, Wilfrid Laurier University
Staff Members
- Bozena Samborska, MSc (Lab Manager)
- Sept 2010 – Nov 2011
- Currently: Research Assistant, McGill
- Mackenzie Smith, MSc (Technician)
- Sept 2009 – Aug 2010
- Currently: Radiation Technologist, Sunny Brook Health Sciences Centre
Graduate Students
- Casey Williamson (Ph.D. 2024)
- Roche Biochemical Award of Excellence, Graduate Entrance Excellence Scholarship, P-CGS-D
- Currently: Continuing in Jones Lab as Post-Doctoral Fellow
- Una Pantic (M.Sc. 2024)
- Currently: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
- Alyssa Campbell (M.Sc. 2023)
- OCBS Best Poster
- Currently: Application Specialist, Quorum Technologies
- Hannah Robeson (Ph.D. 2022)
- OGS, GSS Best Poster
- Currently: Lalonde Lab Post-Doctoral Fellow
- Hayley Smith (course-based M.Biot. 2022)
- Currently: Continuing in the Jones Lab as a PhD Candidate
- Adam Golding (Ph.D. 2021)
- International Graduate Scholarship
- Currently: Associate Scientist, Ensoma
- Hayley Lau (Ph.D. 2021)
- Jones Lab Post-Doctoral Fellow (Oct 2021 – June 2022)
- Currently: Scientist, BioRender
- Noah Phippen (M.Sc. 2021)
- Currently: Research Associate, Workenhe Lab
- Sarah Wismer (M.Sc. 2020)
- CBS graduate tuition scholarship
- Currently: Technician, Integrated Explorations
- Manali Tilak (Ph.D. 2019)
- CBS Graduate Studies Award, CIHR Travel Award
- Jones Lab Post-Doctoral Fellow (Jan 2020 – June 2021)
- Ben Ferrier (course-based M.Biot. 2019)
- Nikkita Dutta (M.Sc. 2019)
- Currently: Research Associate, Eversana
- Alex Mitro (course-based M.Biot. 2017)
- Currently: Marketing Analyst, Bioenterprise
- Afreeda Mahesaniya (M.Sc. 2017)
- Currently: Laboratory Technician, University of Guelph
- Claire Martin (Ph.D. 2017)
- NSERC CGS-M, NSERC CGS-D, OGS, Michael Smith Foreign Study Award, Donald Phillips Award
- Jones Lab Post-Doctoral Fellow (Jan 2018 – Dec 2018)
- Currently: Senior Scientist, AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals
- Rachael McNeilly (M.Sc. 2016)
- Currently: Lab Scientist, UK
- Melanie Wills (Ph.D. 2016)
- NSERC CGS-M, CIHR Vanier-CGS, Brock Doctoral Scholarship, Donald Phillips Award, Governor General’s Gold Medal
- Currently Adjunct Professor/ Director, Magnotta Lyme Disease Research Lab, University of Guelph
- Ava Keyvani Chahi (M.Sc. 2014)
- OGS, CBS Graduate Studies Award
- Currently: Ph.D. Student, McMaster University
- Laura New (Ph.D. 2014)
- NSERC CGS-M, NSERC CGS-D, Donald Phillips Award, Michael Smith Foreign Study Award
- Currently: Research Associate, Jones Lab
- Jim Cooper (M.Sc. 2014)
- Currently: Instructor, Seneca College, Toronto
- Cameron Harris (M.Sc. 2013)
- Currently: Technician, Toronto Western Hospital
- Brianna Ryman (course-based MBS 2011)
- Currently: Medical student, University of Ottawa
- Colin Stringer (M.Sc. 2011)
- Currently: Filmmaker, science communication
- Kelly (Keithlin) Peterson (M.Sc. 2011)
- Currently: QC Analyst, Sanofi-Aventis
- Steve Hawley (M.Sc. 2010)
- CIHR CGS-M, Heart & Stroke Studentship
- Currently: Lab Coordinator, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto
- Sylvie Tremblay (M.Sc. 2010)
- CIHR IMHA studentship
- Currently: Science writer
- Richard Harris (M.Sc. 2009)
- Currently: Post doctoral fellow Ottawa
Undergraduate Students
- Kara Cook (fourth-year project student)
- Currently: Biomedical Engineering MSc student, University of Guelph
- Justin Chamberlain (summer student, fourth-year project student)
- 2023 Summer Research student (URA scholarship)
- Currently: Dentistry student, University of Toronto
- Emma Pearen (fourth-year project student)
- Joining lab for MSc (see graduate student section)
- Alice Wang (fourth-year project student)
- Joining lab for PhD (see graduate student section)
- Hyeyun Yang (summer student, fourth-year project student
- 2022 Summer Research Student (IUSRA scholarship)
- Joining lab for PhD (see graduate student section)
- Cassandra Clausen (summer student, fourth-year project student)
- 2021 Summer Research Student (URA scholarship)
- Joining lab for MSc (see graduate student section)
- Eden Saari (fourth-year project student)
- Paityn Major (fourth-year project student)
- Claire-Marie Peck (summer student, fourth-year project student)
- 2020 Summer Research Student (CBS-CIBC scholarship)
- Stephanie Rosen (summer student, fourth-year project student)
- 2020 Summer Research Student (CBS-USRA scholarship)
- Sarah Cumberland (fourth-year project student, summer student)
- CIBC summer research scholarship in cancer biology (2020)
- Qi Wu (summer student, fourth-year project student)
- CIBC summer research scholarship in cancer biology (2019)
- Currently: PhD student, University of Toronto
- Benjamin Staples (summer student, fourth-year project student)
- Sonja Andrekovic (volunteer, summer student)
- CIBC summer research scholarship in cancer biology (2018)
- Sarah Wismer (summer student, fourth-year project student)
- CIBC summer research scholarship in cancer biology (2017, 2018)
- Joined lab for MSc (see graduate student section)
- Noah Phippen (Co-op student, fourth-year project student)
- Joined lab for MSc (see graduate student section)
- Gabrielle Magnante (summer student, fourth-year project student)
- URA recipient (2016)
- CIBC summer scholarship in cancer biology (2017)
- Benjamin Ferrier (summer student, fourth-year project student)
- URA recipient (2016)
- Joined lab for course-based MBiot (see graduate student section)
- Hannah Robeson (fourth-year project student)
- Joined lab for PhD (see graduate student section)
- Nikkita Dutta (fourth-year project student)
- Joined lab for MSc (see graduate student section)
- Hayley Lau (summer student, fourth-year project student)
- CIBC summer research scholarship in cancer biology (2015)
- Fourth-year thesis GIBCO/BRL Microbiology Research Excellence Prize (2016)
- Joined lab for PhD (see graduate student section)
- Brianna Guild (summer student)
- NSERC USRA recipient (2015)
- Alex Mitro (summer student, fourth-year project student)
- Joined lab for course-based MBiot (see graduate student section)
- Valmy Assam (fourth-year project student)
- Olivia Anderson (summer student)
- Lysa Langevin (summer student)
- CIBC summer research scholarship in cancer biology (2014)
- Briar Culbert (fourth-year project student)
- Lauren Hampton (summer student)
- Anita Acai (summer student)
- CIHR undergraduate studentship recipient (2012)
- Ava Keyvani Chahi (fourth-year project student, summer student)
- CIBC summer research scholarship in cancer biology (2012)
- Joined lab for MSc (see graduate student section)
- Lucy Lin (work-study student)
- Currently: Veterinary Technician, UHN, Toronto
- Hannaford Edwards (summer student)
- Jim Cooper (fourth-year project student, summer student)
- NSERC USRA recipient (2011)
- Joined lab for MSc (see graduate student section)
- Derek Clouthier (summer student)
- Joined lab as Technician after BSc
- Currently: Medical Advisor, Astra-Zeneca
- Ryan Calhoun (summer student)
- Ema Suvajac (summer student)
- Stephanie Clarke (summer student, fourth-year project student)
- NSERC USRA recipient (2009)
- Brianna Ryman (summer student, fourth-year topics student)
- Joined lab for course-based MBS (see graduate student section)
- Adam Rabalski (summer student, fourth-year project student)
- NSERC USRA recipient (2010)
- Currently: PhD student, Litchfield Lab, University of Western Ontario
- Melanie Wills (fourth-year project student, summer student)
- OGI undergraduate summer fellowship recipient (2008)
- Joined lab for PhD (see graduate student section)
- Colin Stringer (fourth-year project student)
- Joined lab for MSc (see graduate student section)
- Steven Hawley (Co-op student, summer student)
- NSERC USRA recipient (2008)
- Coop Student of the Year Award recipient (2008)
- Joined lab for MSc (see graduate student section)
- Megan Fortino (summer student)
- Heart and Stroke Foundation studentship recipient (2008)
- Joined lab as Technician after BSc
- Currently: MD in Family Medicine
- Kelly Keithlin (summer student)
- NSERC USRA recipient (2008)
- Joined lab for MSc (see graduate student section)
- Leah Kesselman (Highschool project 2008)
- Heart and Stroke Martin Wills Award recipient (2008)
- Wendy Fletcher (volunteer)
- Jessica Dunsworth (fourth-year project student)
- Sylvie Tremblay (summer student)
- CIHR undergraduate studentship recipient (2007)
- Joined lab for MSc (see graduate student section)
- Pamela DeFields (Co-op student, summer student)
- CIHR undergraduate studentship (2008)
- Currently: Pharmacist