Happy holidays from the Jones Lab. Thank you to Manali for hosting the holiday party and thank you to everyone who came out for an evening of great food and fun.
The Jones Lab. From left to right: Back row: Peihua Lu, Nina Jones, Melanie Wills, Claire Martin Middle row: Lucy Lin, Afreeda Mahesaniya, Rachael McNeilly, Hayley Lau Front row: Olivia Anderson, Hannah Robeson, Nikkita Dutta, Alex Mitro, Future Scientist, Laura New, Manali Tilak, Maedeh Darzianiazizi
Jones Lab members and family at the lab holiday party
Claire, Lucy and family members at the lab holiday party
Melanie and Manali and the lab holiday party
Manali and Hannah at the lab holiday party
Dr. Jones dressed as Santa Claus at the lab holiday party
Rachael, Lucy, Afreeda and family members at the lab holiday party